How to Prevent Electrical Construction Hazards While Working

Electricity hazards are limitless and oftentimes would occur when you least expected it. Misinformation can lead to something really serious, even death, at times. Every year there are about at least 1,000 accidents at work involve burns or electric shocks. There are around 30 of these cases that are quite fatal, with most of them being due to contact with underground or overhead power cables.

If you work in this kind of industry, you need to always make sure that you observe electrical construction safety as you go about your day-to-day work routine. Even the most professional electricians and contractors are exposed to the dangers and risks of electricity while working, which is why everyone should be aware of the possible dangers that may happen.

Why electrical construction accidents occur

Construction sites are highly dangerous because of its harsh environment, not to mention the fact that there will be a lot of workers working with machinery and equipment that are usually run by electricity. The most common mistake that these workers commit is getting near or working on equipment that they thought are already dead, but they there were in fact wrong and that’s when the accident happens. Another case is that there are workers with no adequate training and knowledge when it comes to electrical construction safety rules and regulations, hence they do not take the necessary precautions. There are also instances when electrical equipment was used improperly.

Preventing electrical hazards

The first step to preventing these hazards and risks from occurring is to be always responsible. As a worker or as an electrician, you must be aware of the obligations and legal duties that your profession comes with. It is your moral duty to abide by these rules and regulations in order to protect your safety and of course, the safety of your co-workers, as well. Electrical systems should be constructed properly to prevent dangers. Regular maintenance and inspection should also be done to ensure that the system is working properly as expected.

With regards to any electrical equipment, only those who are skilled and licensed enough should be the ones to operate or work with the equipment. If you think you do not have enough knowledge about it, don’t take the risk and just leave it to someone who is experienced enough to handle the job. There must be enough outlets and sockets around the work area so that overloading won’t have to happen. Adapters are not recommended in electrical construction sites since it can lead to fire incidents when overloaded.

If you can, reduce or lower the voltage of power as it helps in eliminating the risk of burns and electrical shocks. Once the equipment is already faulty and not suitable for use, take it out of the workplace immediately, or at least have it labeled as “Do Not Use” for other workers’ reference. In cases when equipment repair is necessary, only call out for technicians or workers who can adequately and expertly do the job. Never assume or take chances when you are not 100% sure of anything. Remember that one simple mistake can lead to something fatal or serious, so you have to be cautious all the time.

You will also have to wear protective gears and clothing whenever you are working in an electrical construction environment. You can wear protective gloves and body suits that are non-conductive, to make sure that you stay as protected and as safe as possible.